Miranda Sex Garden

Miranda Sex Garden

Trailing a nimbus of prog, the goth-rock of Miranda Sex Garden hurtled out into the night some 20 years ago after releasing the unparalleled Carnival of Souls LP. Having brushed London with its ensorcelled tail at the 100 Club last July, their baleful comet will return in autumn 2023 to light up several cities across the UK.

Looking down at the pavement rather than up at the heavens, Bad Seed Barry Adamson discovered them busking in 1990. From then on Miranda’s star was in the ascendant. They topped the classical charts with 1990’s Madra. They toured with the likes of Depeche Mode, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Hole and Einstürzende Neubauten. They released 4 follow-up studio albums, including their last – the critically acclaimed, show-stopping “Carnival of Souls”. Then they twinkled out.

Until now.

The group’s current constellation includes founding member Katharine Blake as vocalist, with Trevor Sharpe (Minty, The Servant) on drums, Teresa Casella (Mediaeval Baebes) on bass and Emmett Elvin on keyboards. Founding member and guitarist Ben Gollomstock died in 2018, but his sound lives on through Kavus Torabi (Cardiacs, Gong). Performer Bev Lee Harling completes the group.
Katharine Blake will be known to many as the founder of classical chart topping group Mediæval Bæbes, who have released 11 studio albums and received an Ivor Novella award and two Emmy nominations for their unique choral sound.
Also featuring support from Berlin-based Bleedingblackwood – electronic opera for dark souls.



File under: Dark Wave | Gothic | Gothic Rock | Neoclassic